Come and attend a lecture by Florence Hubert and Pascal Hubert, both French mathematicians, about applications of mathematics in cancer research. It will take place on Wednesday, June 14th at 17h, at el Liceo Francés Internacional de Tenerife (C/ Pedro Suárez Hernández 5, Santa Cruz de Tenerife). Admission is free.

Non-compliance with medical prescriptions, or poor adherence, has become a public health problem. In the case of oral cancer treatments that patients must take for long periods of time, the rate of adherence is found to be less than 95%, resulting in a lack of efficacy and an additional cost to society.

In this talk, we will show how mathematics can be used to describe and quantify the impact of this non-adherence, thus initially providing a tool for the doctor or pharmacist to make the patient aware of the problem of non-adherence, but in the longer term representing a real tool for individualising anti-cancer therapies.

Before Florence’s talk, Pascal will describe the mathematical community in France, which is one of the best in the world.

Florence Hubert is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. She’s been a professor in mathematics since September 1997 at the University of Aix-Marseille. After having devoted herself to the development of efficient numerical methods, in particular for flows in porous media, she has been interested for the last fifteen years in the development of mathematics in the field of cancerology. She has tackled topics such as the modelling of the impact of anti-cancer treatments on the metastatic state of patients or as the modelling of drug compliance, in particular in collaboration with Stéphane Honoré, pharmacologist in Marseille.

Pascal Hubert is Professor of mathematics at Aix-Marseille University and director of CIRM (Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques). He is a specialist in dynamical system.

Wednesday, June 14th at 5pm, at el Liceo Francés Internacional de Tenerife: C/ Pedro Suárez Hernández 5, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Free admission.